Monday, November 17, 2008

pulling the trigger part one

So right now the TV we have isn't really ours (well Diddy gave it to BJ), but it's like 20 inches or smaller. There has been talks about someone getting a HDTV sometime in the future. Tony was the front runner because everyone and their moms knew about him saying that he was gonna go get one, sometime later and I decided to be the dark horse in the running. (I figured owning my own HDTV will prove to be great for the future because television doesn't even capture in 1080p yet and the TVs now are good enough for awhile) So I started to research what TV would be "bang for the buck" and high quality at the same time. Tony was saying how buying a TV is sorta like finding the right girl, even though the amount of money spent on her is like infinitely more. Seeing that I don't have all the money in the world, and I actually want to save, I narrowed down my choice to this 40 inch Samsung LCD 1080p. This is where my good friend Michal steps in. He works for Sears corporate, and found out that there was a friends and family sale this past Sunday from 6pm-9pm. The sales were suppose to be good on some of the TVs, but when we get there, we find out the one I have been eyeing isn't getting a big discounts as other TVs. There was this Toshiba that was cheaper, but it had less specs and the reviews on them were not as great as the Samsung I wanted. (Thanks Pandrew) I like my electronics with quality, and I still got a discount, so right there, I pulled the trigger on it. What's nice too, is that I didn't have to drop the amount right there, but have no interest for 18 months, so I can still save and pay it off at the same time. It's suppose to come in on wed. or fri. I'm excited.

What was sweet though, was that Michal got to stay the night because the weather was kind of bad to drive in. So his boss let him work at my place for the day. It those unexpected times of hanging out with friends that make life a little sweeter. Old school video games, kicking back with a few brews, talking about life; it just brings you back to the good ol days haha minus the brews. It's crazy to think that one day we won't be able to do this anymore (well like the way it should be done). I know that in life, you grow up and look forward to the new life stages: marriage, starting a family, etc. It's no wonder many people are getting married later now. We take our middle twenty years after college to just enjoy life: single hood or in a relationship, our job or graduate studies, meeting new people or chilling with the old ones. Whatever it may be, people are prolonging this stage of life before moving on into the next one.

Things I'm looking forward to as 08' comes to an end.

Thanksgiving - As usual, Thanksgiving will be spent with family and hmcc kids who didn't go home for thanksgiving. I think the number this year will be a record. Like 7 people or something. i think it's cool that my rents are chill with this, and going home for the 4 day weekend won't be too boring.

Pistons Game - The Hurs, Brian, Alan and I got tickets to go see the Pistons play Orlando on 12/29. Now that AI is on the team, I think it's gonna be sweet to watch them play and look who they are going up against. Freaking Dwight Howard. It's gonna be a good match up and we got lower level tickets.

NYC/CT trip - The Hurs, Brian, and I are gonna be taking a road trip to the big apple and CT to visit E for a few days. We're going during New Years, and we're thinking about doing the whole Times Square for NYE thing. Yeah we know it's kinda crazy, but hell, we're still young. Chilling in CT will consist of hitting up Mohegan Sun and some snowboarding. It's gonna be a packed 5 days, planning to do all of this stuff which includes driving there and back.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

obama got swag

On Nov 4th, 2008, America has spoken and elected Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States.

It's really great to see the history being made with Obama being the first African-American president for the US. He deserved to win and we shall see how great of a leader he will become. With that said, this post is really a commentary on the voters, and the reality of what is to come.

So yeah apparently this was the largest voter turnout in the history, more than 120 million people came out and had their say on who was going to become the next president. A little more than 64 million voted for Obama. I think it's great that many came out and exercised their privilege to vote. But I really wonder, how many out of the 120 millions were actually informed voters. When I think of informed voters, I'm talking about the ones who researched the candidate's platform, where they stand on certain issues, and made the educated choice on who they thought would run the country better. It's really easy to think that in this election, there were so many bandwagon voters, and went out to vote because it was time for "change". (I'm not hating on Obama's campaign, I think he ran it amazingly well and I believe he is the best choice compared to Mccain) Hell, who wouldn't want change in this dismal environment that we live in. But the point is that Barack Obama ain't Jesus people. He's not gonna come in right away and make things change/go away. Exit polls showed that the number one issue for voters was the economy. It's going to take years for the economy to be up and running again, and even so there are changes that we as citizens need to make. Think about his slogan, "Yes we can". WE as in him and us. He's gotta play his part and we gotta play ours. He needs to prepare the country for several tough years, and we gotta expect several tough years. We shouldn't expect him to be the country's savior or else we're just gonna end up blaming him like most people did of President Bush. So yeah, don't be complaining when you hear of higher taxes, regulations on big business, high unemployment rate, etc. America has spoken for change, and with it comes a lesson on patience and sacrifice for change to happen. How will they respond? We shall see with time. Keep our country in prayer.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

one isn't such a lonely number

I was told that I needed to write entries that are more exciting, or juicier from some of my readers. Well, I'm still gonna write those informational, what's going on in my life type entry, you just gotta live with it. However, I'm feeling up for one of those relationship entries today, so yeah stop complaining. The thing is, the topic today isn't about anything to do with a relationship, but the stage before. Singlehood, my friends. A great stage to be in, you just gotta see the bigger picture, and I'm here to open your eyes.

We live in a world where relationships seem like a big deal. We are in fact social beings and when it comes to the opposite sex, there's always that attraction and longing to be with one another. Also when you get to a good age like during your twenties, it seems like a lot of your friends are in a relationship, or even getting married. At times, you see what they have, and a part of you wants the same thing. You see pictures, you hear stories, and all the good things that come with a relationship, and you wish you had something like that in your life. The thing you're missing is that what you have right now, being single, is an awesome thing. Superficially, I can name you a lot of pros for being single. You don't have to spend money on another person, you don't have to make time for another person, you are not doubting yourself whether this person is the right person, and the list can go on. Like I said though, those things are superficial, and the main focus was a selfish motive. A great reason why being single is awesome is because during this time, you get to learn a lot about yourself and in turn grow in maturity.

There's the saying that fools rush in. This can be said about people who rush into a relationship. I'm not saying that it might not end up well, but doing something just because it feels right or you want to, may not be the wisest decision, and there's two people involved. Even looking back on my past, I can safely say that I was hasty in going into some of my previous relationships. It was just a "in the moment" type of thing, but hey I gotta learn from my experiences. This is where maturity and learning about yourself comes in. I'm not telling you to not be in a relationship, but rather know why you're going into one in the first place. Knowing your intentions/motives, but more importantly your life plans, a significant other might or might not fit during that time. Some people who ready this, will prolly think, "Oh, so in a sense being single is me getting ready for a relationship, what does it mean to be ready?" If I knew the answer to that question, I would be a happy person. Trust me. All I can tell you though is that being ready is going to look different for everyone. You might have this "checklist", but you will never be fully ready as you would hope for. Just don't compromise the things that are important to you and your life.

Being single is great. You have more time with your friends, you get to do accomplish things that you couldn't being tied down, and you will learn how to be selfless after seeing how selfish we are because in the next stage you can't do that. Also, haven't you heard patience is a virtue? Haha believe me, you can't have enough patience. Somehow you always seem to need more. Yeah, I'm still human, sure there's someone in mind, and sure I think about relationships, but in a way happiness isn't having what you want, but wanting what you already have. So instead of worrying about girls/guys, work on yourself, strive to be better so that someday you enjoyment of being single will bring enjoyment into another person's life.