Wednesday, February 18, 2009


By definition, motivation is the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior. What are your motivations in life? What drives you to do the things that you do, the actions you commit to, the reason for your behavior? For myself, I have been brewing over this for sometime because I don't like to live life by just doing. I like to give thought to my actions and even review my impulses to find the root of what took place. So after thinking about it this is what i came up with, a couple of reasons for my life now ranging from important to petty things.

First and foremost, the reason why I live is because of Jesus. Oh wow, that one didn't surprise you, but it shouldn't. Actually it might for those who think I'm a heathen. Anyways, I know there are other motivating factors on why I live, but the main reason above anything else is getting to know Him better and being grateful for his death on the Cross. But it doesn't just stop there. I don't want to be a person who just gives a reason and can't back it up with anything. For me it's from 1 Peter 3:15 : "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect"

In my last reason, I joked around being called a heathen, but that actually leads me to my next reason. For some of my actions, the motivate behind it is to prove people wrong. If we parallel this with my spiritual walk, I want to show people that there is no specific directions that you need to follow in order to know Christ. Just because I'm not doing it the way everyone else is doing it, doesn't mean what I'm doing is wrong. It's just different from what you are doing. Someone once told me that I wasn't spiritually mature. Instead of coming back at them with their flaws and how it's hypocritical for them to tell me such a thing. A fire grew inside of me to just show them that they were wrong. I was reminded of John 15:5 : "I am the vine and you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing" If they were to call me out and saying I wasn't bearing fruit in my life, then I would respect that because there is a standard to that. You're either bearing fruit in your life or you're not. But to say someone isn't spiritually mature in your own eyes, judged by your own standard, well that's a different story. But yeah, this is just a small glimpse of my motivation of wanting to prove people wrong.

The last motivation I wanted to share was the reason why I write on this blog. I write here because I want to open your eyes. Too often we go through life with a very narrow mindset and we see what we only want to see. I can tell you that I am guilty of that at time. Yes it's also true, that I'm just one man and these are only my words. You don't have to think what I am saying is right, but just acknowledge the fact that it's something different. I can assure you that what you are reading comes from my soul. That sometimes you're reading about my experiences with joy, pain, love, etc. I'm very open to share such things and I see it as a blessing. And for all you haters out there, keep hating cuz I'll keep writing just for you.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

absence makes the heart grow fonder vs. out of sight, out of mind

Which one do you believe in? The first half of the title, suggest that whatever you are missing makes the heart yearn for it more through time. The second half of the title, suggest that whatever missing is just that, gone from your thoughts. Maybe I have to be clearer. Which one of the two do you believe in when it comes to someone you once cared about, but they aren't there in your daily life anymore? There is no right answer when it comes down to choosing one. One isn't always better than the other. It's a matter of choice and sticking to what you believe. I ask the question not having the intention of knowing your answer, but for you to evaluate your own heart and its actions. My past entries have been about others and what my observations about them were. This one is about myself and my experiences on this topic. At different junctions of my life (IN THE PAST) I have chosen followed each saying. Here I will share my insight.

absence makes the heart grow fonder
I like to joke around by saying this is the "you got it bad" phase. Even though she's not around, somehow she occupies your mind. Whenever you aren't doing something, the thought of her consumes you. It's not obsessive or anything, but it actually drives you kinda crazy. That good kinda crazy. It's the feeling you get when you know something amazing is gone from your life and the moment you realize it, it's like a part of you is missing. A void that is unable to be filled right away by another person. Bittersweet. You're holding on to that thread of hope, looking for signs that quite possibly a return to equilibrium will come one day. Be ready to lose sleep because there will be nights where restlessness will creep up on you. There were times where D-mode settles in. Those are the worst of times. The best part is the objective view you get of the person. No longer are you constantly around them, but you get to see them for who they are without proximity, mere exposure, and the works. This could be the point where it solidifies your feelings for them, but at the same time hanging by this thread of hope can be dangerous. She may not feel the same way or she just found someone else. Plus, going for round two is very challenging. Timing plays a big role here.

out of sight, out of mind
This is what i like to call the "i don't give an eff" stage. It's not that you've become apathetic or stopped caring about everything at all. It's just the fact that since you don't see that person, you stopped thinking about them and move your thoughts elsewhere. In a sense you stopped caring for that person because you feel like your thoughts shouldn't be wasted on them. It doesn't matter what happens to them, it is just news to your head. The good thing about going through with this is that you move on faster and can get yourself to look forward to the future. "Grass is greener on the other side" type deal. Some one asked, "If you actually like this person, how can you just "move on" or "stop caring" about that person so quickly? Doesn't that mean you never cared for them at all?" Not at all. In some of the cases, you might still care, but you got to sacrifice that in order to get some perspective. Sometimes it's just for the best. Sometimes you're opening your eyes and seeing them for who they really are and realizing it's just not meant to be.

In the end, no matter what choice I made. The girl does not come back into my life. She ends up just being an acquaintance of mine, and maybe we become friends later. Rarely does the girl ever come back into your life and plays a significant role. I've seen it a few times because both parties were committed to each other and later down the road they came back together. What I'm trying to say is don't get your hopes up too high because the odds are stacked against you. At the time, your heart and emotions might tell you that getting back with person might be a great idea, but you just have to think logically as well. Just trust, that someone better will come along. No need to force anything. But for most of my readers, here's some advice if you want to find a significant other: Leave AA because it's not a matter if the boy likes the girl, it's the matter of whether or not everyone and their moms approve of such a relationship should work out. You don't need that.