Wednesday, January 20, 2010

yes dear, it's a new year....

I can't believe it's 20 days into 2010 already... It seems like just yesterday I was in chicago at some bar/club called Lion's Head Pub (not to be confused with the adult video store the "Lion's Den") with the crew. At the stroke of midnight, already 10 drinks in, raising up our champagne glasses and toasting to what would be another year passing. To me, 2010 is just another year, a number, pretty much a marker telling me that I'm getting older with every second passing. As I look back on the previous year, I usually reflect and ponder on the experiences I have gained/lessons I have learned. Much to my dismay, it's usually the same conclusion but the path I took to it was different. I always look to the new year for new beginnings as if I wanted to leave a part of the past behind. Of course this year is no different, however as you get older, you get a little bit wiser right? Right, so this year instead of "new beginnings" I guess you can say the theme for 2010 is "going back to the basics". It's all about doing the little things, the right things, the simple things to get back on track. The main focuses here are discipline and freshness. So I'm gonna raise up my glass of protein to you and say it's gonna be a good year. Shit happens, don't let it get to you.

Monday, May 11, 2009

call me Miss Cleo because I can see the future

How does that saying go? Hindsight is 50-50 and it truly is. I think it's funny when people give you the big "I TOLD YOU SO" when something happens to you and they claim that they've said it all along from the beginning. What is it that we gain by saying, "I told you so"? A sense of accomplishment? We are truly psychic? I must admit that I've done it in the past and I prolly still do it now, but I think the main reason we do it is because we feel good in knowing that we were right, but at the expense of a person's failure in whatever it was.

As friends, we're suppose to be supportive of one another endeavors, no matter whatever the case may be. However, there are times when we put our foot down or we just can't agree/support with what they are doing. That is a sign of a true friend. Instead of this blind loyalty that we believe we are binding by, we challenge one another sometimes by telling them we hope for the best for them, but can't go along with their decision because of various reasons.

Observing this notion in a relationship setting is where is gets interesting. You have friends from all over saying different things like:

"He/She is legit, you two will make a great couple"
"He/She is a jerk/biz, stay away from him/her"
"You two got my support. I want to see it happen"
" If you go after him/her, you'll be making a big mistake."

Everyone is a critic. If everyone likes him/her, they must be someone special. But in the end, your friends always got something to say. If they think they know, they usually don't until after something happens. So listen, but don't take everything to heart. Sometimes it's about taking a risk, taking a chance, getting throw curveballs, getting knocked down, but in the end getting back up again.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

star trek

I wasn't much of a star trek fan growing up as I was into Star Wars, but I recommend watching the new Star Trek movie. It's pretty good, even for someone who doesn't know much about it. I don't want to ruin the movie for anyone who's going to watch it, but really do yourself a favor and go see it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

the demon inside demands to be unleashed

have you ever felt the feeling of settling for good, when deep down inside you know best can be achieved? it's like the feeling of going into an exam, knowing that you can get an A, but being content with a B. insecurities, deceit, and doubt serve as catalysts making your decision to settle an obvious choice. little to no avail can the human heart find its way through the thick mist. we become blind, trying to logically lead ourselves, but by doing so we trick ourselves in thinking good is the best: that what we have now is better than anything out there. many times we don't act upon this feeling because of it being comfortable or we are just too lazy to counter it. i am guilty of both in my life. sometimes i just want to pour out and expell what i am feeling inside, but every time i do, i just seal it away from the world. i've kept so much in that the pain is starting to bleed through my skin, lurking after prey to feed on. i have realized that the motif of darkness is prevalent in my own life. it it now time to take a step back, take a deep breath, and fall backwards, hoping someone will be there to catch me. i have gone back into the hunt, may the strong and willing survive.

Monday, May 4, 2009

busy weekend

These past few days have been so jam packed, that bloggin wasn't a priority for me. However, it's all done and over with so I can be back here writing again. The main reason for the business was graduation and a wedding. I can't believe it's been a year already since I walked and became an alum of the U. This time around it was my sister's turn. There something about being in the Big House that feels like the world is at peace, or maybe it's just me. The student speaker, George Dong, was pretty good. He interjected into his speech humor and things only a Wolverine would understand. For how much money Larry Paige has, you would think he would be able to address the public in some exciting fashion, but his montonous voice killed the great content of his speech. Overall I'm happy for my sister for sticking it out for 4 years, and to the diesel class, congrats. Welcome to the real world now.

The wedding was great. I couldn't make it to the ceremony due to family graduation obligations, but I did go to the recepetion, late with BJ. haha. We did make it in time for the salads and pretty much repped Table 15 to its fullest. Burger was the highlight of the dance floor, but the spotlight of the night was the Mom/Son and Father/Daughter dance. Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Lee. Hope that you have a wonderful union together, and wish you the best of luck. Haha it's kinda weird that they are my leaders, and I played on the same team for flag football. But yeah, it was a busy, but good weekend.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

our new quarterback

Here's a video of what Michigan's offense is gonna look like with Tate Forcier as Q

I know that this is only a spring game and they weren't hitting him, but damn if it's someone who can lead an offense better than Steven Threet, Forcier and do it. I'm excited to watch games in the big house this year again. I bought season tickets and they go without saying that they were worth it. 8 home games. The big games are Notre Dame, Penn State, and OSU. 2nd season with Rich Rod at the helm. So yeah there's the linger taste of 3-9 from last year in the mouth still, but realistically, I think we can be a bowl game team, or dare I say it, in the hunt for the Big Ten championship. Only time can tell, so until Sept 5 @ home vs. Western Michigan, the excitement is only going to build up.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

getting jacked

when i saw this clip, i couldn't help but laugh. girls want a vascular man LOL. In all seriousness I don't think a girl really wants their guys to have veins popping out of their skin, but they are looking for a guy who is muscular and fit. Even for myself I feel better when I am fit and strong compared to when I am fat and physically unproductive. So for this summer a goal of mine is to become a bronze adonis. By the end of June, I am striving to be tan and jacked. I plan on doing this with two things: P90x and Speed training. P90x is great because I don't need a gym to do workouts and get jacked, and the speed training is great because it's brings back memories of the high school glory days. I'm not gonna lie. At first, I got my ass owned by both workouts. I could tell I was definately out of shape. After a few workouts though I am sensing and feeling the progress. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen at the end of June. Rest assure there will be before and after pictures. If you want to join in on p90x or speed training, just holla, the speed training group is looking for more members to join, and if you just want to get fit, it will be good for you.