Monday, May 4, 2009

busy weekend

These past few days have been so jam packed, that bloggin wasn't a priority for me. However, it's all done and over with so I can be back here writing again. The main reason for the business was graduation and a wedding. I can't believe it's been a year already since I walked and became an alum of the U. This time around it was my sister's turn. There something about being in the Big House that feels like the world is at peace, or maybe it's just me. The student speaker, George Dong, was pretty good. He interjected into his speech humor and things only a Wolverine would understand. For how much money Larry Paige has, you would think he would be able to address the public in some exciting fashion, but his montonous voice killed the great content of his speech. Overall I'm happy for my sister for sticking it out for 4 years, and to the diesel class, congrats. Welcome to the real world now.

The wedding was great. I couldn't make it to the ceremony due to family graduation obligations, but I did go to the recepetion, late with BJ. haha. We did make it in time for the salads and pretty much repped Table 15 to its fullest. Burger was the highlight of the dance floor, but the spotlight of the night was the Mom/Son and Father/Daughter dance. Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Lee. Hope that you have a wonderful union together, and wish you the best of luck. Haha it's kinda weird that they are my leaders, and I played on the same team for flag football. But yeah, it was a busy, but good weekend.

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