Wednesday, January 20, 2010

yes dear, it's a new year....

I can't believe it's 20 days into 2010 already... It seems like just yesterday I was in chicago at some bar/club called Lion's Head Pub (not to be confused with the adult video store the "Lion's Den") with the crew. At the stroke of midnight, already 10 drinks in, raising up our champagne glasses and toasting to what would be another year passing. To me, 2010 is just another year, a number, pretty much a marker telling me that I'm getting older with every second passing. As I look back on the previous year, I usually reflect and ponder on the experiences I have gained/lessons I have learned. Much to my dismay, it's usually the same conclusion but the path I took to it was different. I always look to the new year for new beginnings as if I wanted to leave a part of the past behind. Of course this year is no different, however as you get older, you get a little bit wiser right? Right, so this year instead of "new beginnings" I guess you can say the theme for 2010 is "going back to the basics". It's all about doing the little things, the right things, the simple things to get back on track. The main focuses here are discipline and freshness. So I'm gonna raise up my glass of protein to you and say it's gonna be a good year. Shit happens, don't let it get to you.