Tuesday, April 28, 2009

getting jacked

when i saw this clip, i couldn't help but laugh. girls want a vascular man LOL. In all seriousness I don't think a girl really wants their guys to have veins popping out of their skin, but they are looking for a guy who is muscular and fit. Even for myself I feel better when I am fit and strong compared to when I am fat and physically unproductive. So for this summer a goal of mine is to become a bronze adonis. By the end of June, I am striving to be tan and jacked. I plan on doing this with two things: P90x and Speed training. P90x is great because I don't need a gym to do workouts and get jacked, and the speed training is great because it's brings back memories of the high school glory days. I'm not gonna lie. At first, I got my ass owned by both workouts. I could tell I was definately out of shape. After a few workouts though I am sensing and feeling the progress. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen at the end of June. Rest assure there will be before and after pictures. If you want to join in on p90x or speed training, just holla, the speed training group is looking for more members to join, and if you just want to get fit, it will be good for you.

1 comment:

Alex said...

good luck man. keeping up with p90x is a test of character...by the 10th week, you know everything tony horton's ever going to say to you and that makes it mad boring and tedious. also, it's sometimes really hard to go through all 90 minutes of yoga.